About Patrons
Founder Patron
Hon'ble Late Shri Jagan Nath Kaushal
Ho'ble Late Shri Jagan Nath Kaushal was the Founder Patron
of the All India Personality Enhancement and Cultural Centre for
Scholars (AIPECCS) Society. Former Advocate General, Haryana;
Governor, Bihar; Union Law Minister and Member of Parliament,
Shri Kaushal helped Col Satsangi realize his vision of establishing
institutions with innovative educational philosophy.
The Jagan Nath Kaushal Jurisprudence Centre (JKJC) inspired
by Hon'ble Shri Jagan Nath Kaushal's ideals fosters awareness
and respect for law amongst school students and makes
them responsible and law-abiding citizens.
Late Shri Rajeshwar Prasad, IAS (Retd.)
Shri Rajeshwar Prasad, an Honours Graduate from London
University and a Barrister-at-Law from Inner Temple, joined
the Indian Administrative Service in 1948. He was also a
Nuffield Foundation Fellowship holder.
Shri Rajeshwar Prasad worked from 1959 onwards with
Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri in the Ministries of Commerce
and Industry, Home Affairs, External Affairs. 1966 onwards,
Shri Rajeshwar Prasad was Joint Secretary in the Cabinet
Secretariat. He was then posted to Nepal as Director of the
Indian Co-operation Mission. He returned to Uttar Pradesh
as Commissioner and Secretary, Industries and Labour and
then took over as the Director of the Lal Bahadur Shastri
National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie. His last
assignment was Secretary to the Government of India in the
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.